Sunday, 29 June 2008

"Life as a heroin addict" - part 5

In part 5 of 'Life as a heroin addict' we look at the stigma in and around the drug scene and the drug addict. We also hear about the effect this has on the drug user, including low self-esteem and paranoia. 

Friday, 20 June 2008

'Life as a heroin addict - Part 4'

We now start to look at the issues that can arise when an addict attempts to change their behaviour, including the things that help this process and also the things that hinder this process. The lads also talk about hitting 'rock-bottom' and the effect this has on their drug taking.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

'Life as a heroin addict - Part 3'

In this section of film we are looking at the physical effects of heroin addiction, including the risks and effects of blood borne viruses. We also investigate the stigma surrounding such issues, and how that shapes the decisions made when contemplating seeking medical intervention.

If you have a fast connection and would like to watch in a higher quality, use this link -

Friday, 6 June 2008

'Life as a heroin addict - Part 2'

We now introduce part 2 of 'Life as a heroin addict'. This section focuses on the ways that heroin addiction impacts on all aspects of the users life - from health, family relations, accommodation, prison and many more. takes over all of the different areas of the addict's life. We will continue to hear from the individuals that we met in the introduction. 

Sunday, 1 June 2008

'Life as a heroin addict' - You Tube launch

Last summer, Wired In grabbed the camera and went to speak to some service users about their experiences with addiction, treatment and recovery. We were blown away by the footage we got, and the enthusiasm that our ‘film stars’ demonstrated.


Initially we were a bit concerned with whether people would want to be filmed – but our concerns were certainly not met!!! In fact, at one point we had people queuing out the door wanting to get involved!!


Once the footage had been edited we met up with the service users again and showed them their film clips – their reactions were fantastic. Although some of the footage was hard for them to watch, they were all really pleased with what they had achieved. They were really excited to have the opportunity to educate others about addiction, treatment and recovery, and they hoped that others would learn from their experiences.


The amount of material that we got in just three days was astounding. We decided to cut the footage up into bite size sections covering the topics that the service users felt were the most important. Over the coming weeks we will be showing you this material.


This week, we start by introducing you to the service users. We will also be showing you a section where heroin use is discussed, in particular, the reasons that people start using heroin in the first place and then why that usage escalates into addiction.

So sit back and enjoy-

P.S. If you have a fast connection and would like to watch the film in a higher quality then use these links-