Friday, 25 July 2008

"Life as a heroin addict" - Part 8

In this installment we hear about how addictive methadone is and how this affects the detox process. We also look at the problems faced when detoxing from methadone and the tendency to rush this process and the implications this can have.

Friday, 18 July 2008

"Life as a heroin addict" - Part 7

This installment continues to look at the role of methadone in an addicts life. Firstly a short clip on how the correct dose for an individual is reached and then we go on to hear about how having to pick up their methadone everyday affects the individual.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Brian White talks about his recovery

"I wanted to do this film", says Brian, "to try to help others as I progress through my recovery. It was hard to do as I still feel embarrassed about my past, I'm so glad that I'm not like I used to be anymore! Even watching the film back for the first time today was a little strange, it only seems like 5 minutes ago that I was still using heroin".

"I've recently had my personal story published on Wired In's 'Our Community', and within a day had some amazing feedback by someone leaving a comment saying that they had gone through a similar time in their lives, and reading my story had inspired them to get help. That tells me that it doesn't matter if I find it hard to talk about my past on a website such as Wired In's, because it's helping other people. That's all the encouragement I need!" 

I hope you enjoy "Reflection on my journey into recovery". Please leave any comments or questions you might have.

Friday, 4 July 2008

"Life as a heroin addict" - Part 6

In part 5 we start to look at methadone in more depth, beginning with a series of clips concentrating on how waiting to receive treatment affects the substance misuser. There will be another 3 clips to come in the following weeks that will also be looking at different aspects of methadone use.